Creating views

Creating Views

Creating views in Reflct allows you to control how users explore your 3D Gaussian splat scenes. By setting specific camera positions and orbit limits, you can guide users to focus on the most important aspects of your scene while maintaining a smooth and intuitive navigation experience.

Camera positioning and orbits

Views in Reflct orbit around a central point, the extent of the orbit and the point that the camera is looking at are defined by you. Setting these values carefully can allow for a more engaging and immersive experience for users.


In Reflct, you can control the zoom for each individual view. It behaves similarly to FOV in photography, defining the extent of the scene visible through the camera. Adjusting the zoom changes the perspective and distortion. Wider zoom captures more of the scene with potential stretching, while narrower zoom highlights details but may flatten the view. As we can set these values per view, animating between different zoom levels can add some interesting visual effects. 

To change zoom levels, use the Zoom field in the view detail sidebar, or hold ‘Ctrl’ while scrolling.